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Plug IN: on the canal

Sponsored by MIFA Victory Theatre

Plug Into: The Creative Valley

Date: June 14, 2016

Time: 6:00PM

Venue: Race Street Canalwalk, 92 Race Street, Holyoke, MA

Relax on the bridge over the Race St. Canalwalk in downtown Holyoke for an evening of no-pressure mingling with like-minded creatives living and working in Western Mass . . . the possibilities are endless!

Weather permitting, Gateway City Arts will have a CASH BAR out on the water and will be offering a more extensive menu if the FREE FOOD doesn’t fill you up. Please join us as the sun sets at this beautiful location and PLUG INTO what’s happening in the CREATIVE VALLEY.

Hosted by Gateway City Arts

Sponsored by the ARTery, MIFA Victory Theatre & EDC of Western Mass


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