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The Victory Theatre Project

past present future victo theatre

In 2009 MIFA acquired the Victory Theatre located at 81-89 Suffolk Street Holyoke, Massachusetts, following many efforts by community organizations to save the theater since its closing 1979. MIFA envisions the transformation of the Victory Theatre as a performing  arts center for the region.

The Victory, a 1,600 seat Broadway-style theater opened in 1920 has a classic proscenium stage configuration with unobstructed views from a fan-shaped auditorium that brings seats closer to the stage and amplifies acoustics. Sweeping stairways lead up to an immense double-tiered balcony, also with unobstructed views, and a magnificent rare-wood-lined oval  room with Tiffany glass windows. Silk  paneling covers the walls, likely made at the William Skinner Silk Mill in Holyoke. Glass mosaic tiles and gold  highlights accentuate an Art Deco and classically mixed style along with eighty-five etched glass sconces lighting the whole interior. On either side of the stage are 23 ft. tall murals by Work Progress Administration (WPA) muralist Vincent Maragliotti representing different aspects of the theme “Victory,” installed after a 1942 fire that required remodeling of the interior. In April 2024, restoration of  the murals was completed by expert restorationists EverGreene Architectural Arts of New York.

The Victoryt will be returned by MIFA, to its role as a major live theatre for the City of Holyoke, its surrounding communities, and the Connecticut River Valley from Long Island Sound to the Canadian border.

The Victory is being restored through a financing package which includes private, individual, corporate, and foundation donations, public grants, and State and Federal Historic Tax Credits and New Market Tax Credits.

Photo Gif of a rendering of the Victory Theatre and new plans for 134 Chestnut St. annex

The Victory Theatre restoration is anticipated to be a catalyst for the revitalization of downtown Holyoke. The restored theater will be the anchor of Holyoke's Arts and Theater District in addition to creating and increasing commerce and tourism in the Greater Holyoke area.  The restoration of the Victory will also provide crucial access to arts education for the community, regional schools K-12, and local colleges.

MIFA’s expertise and established position in the performing arts are critical to developing an arts identity and drawing prestigious theatre companies to Holyoke. The restoration of the Victory and its proposed programming will make Holyoke the focal point for the arts in the Pioneer Valley and leverage the arts as a force for economic development in Holyoke.

On December 31, 2020 the Victory Theatre turned 100! MIFA celebrated the beautiful historic theater with a special virtual event: Victory Theatre’s 100th Birthday Celebration. The virtual event featured the magical digital treat and specially MIFA commissioned centennial fanfare composed by Iván E. Rodríguez.

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